Homework Help & Studying Tips for Students with ADHD https://www.additudemag.com ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Mon, 13 Jan 2025 22:04:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.additudemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/cropped-additude-favicon-512x512-1.png?w=32&crop=0%2C0px%2C100%2C32px&ssl=1 Homework Help & Studying Tips for Students with ADHD https://www.additudemag.com 32 32 216910310 “How to Handle Disappointing Grades: Why It’s Happening, How to Help” [Video Replay & Podcast #529] https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/bad-grades-report-card-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/bad-grades-report-card-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Mon, 07 Oct 2024 14:12:26 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?post_type=webinar&p=364170 Episode Description

Bad grades are not always a fair reflection of your child’s effort, learning, motivation, or potential for success. And this is especially true for students with ADHD and other learning differences. On the surface, disappointing grades represent a failure at school. But there’s usually more to the story, which may never be heard because strong emotions — for parents and students — take over.

So how can we respond more positively and thoughtfully to a bad report card? Here to suggest solutions is Ann Dolin, M.Ed., an experienced author, educator, advocate, and parent of kids with ADHD who will help parents uncover possible reasons for their child’s grades and show them how to navigate these sticky situations while preserving their relationship with their child.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to talk to your child about their school performance, including some easy conversation starters
  • Ways to investigate why it’s happening and the two most common reasons for poor grades
  • What to do moving forward, including strategies to help your child study more effectively and stay organized
  • Whether you should set consequences for your child’s bad grades (or reward them for good grades) and how to keep kids with ADHD motivated

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ADHD at School: More Resources

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Meet the Expert Speaker

Ann Dolin, M.Ed., has nearly 30 years of experience working with students. She is a former public school special education teacher and author who founded Educational Connections in 1998. The company specializes in helping students, especially those with ADHD, build executive function skills and study habits to perform better in school and, ultimately, in college.

She and her team of more than 120 tutors, executive function coaches, college consultants, and parent coaches provide virtual support to families with kindergarten to college students throughout the country.

Ann is the author of Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework and Getting Past Procrastination: How to Get Your Kids Organized, Focused and Motivated… Without Being the Bad Guy. (#CommissionsEarned) She also is past president of CHADD of Northern Virginia and is an advocate for students with ADHD.

#CommissionsEarned As an Amazon Associate, ADDitude earns a commission from qualifying purchases made by ADDitude readers on the affiliate links we share.

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“I really enjoyed the talk today!”

“It was nice to hear the common frustration parents with ADHD have.”

“Excellent info regarding executive functioning!”

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Free Back-to-School Guide for the Best Year Yet https://www.additudemag.com/download/back-to-school-guide-adhd-educators/ https://www.additudemag.com/download/back-to-school-guide-adhd-educators/?noamp=mobile#respond Wed, 07 Aug 2024 21:11:32 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?post_type=download&p=360664

– How to improve executive function by developing “domino” habits
– How to foster a positive learning environment that leans more heavily on praise
– How to design a neurodivergent-friendly classroom
– How to model good planning and prioritizing skills for your child
– How to capture wandering attention without embarrassing students with ADHD
– How to use a daily report card system effectively
– How to manage multiple students’ accommodations efficiently
– How to spot and avoid burnout in twice-exceptional students who are gifted and have ADHD
– How to reduce screen-time battles and use music to spark focus

Get all of these resources and more in this concise, practical, 12-page guide to building stronger executive functions in children with ADHD.

Print it, share it, use it, and start off the new school year smart!

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.

https://www.additudemag.com/download/back-to-school-guide-adhd-educators/feed/ 0 360664
Q: “What’s the Key to a Strong Teacher-Student Relationship?” https://www.additudemag.com/homework-help-adhd-students-after-school-routine/ https://www.additudemag.com/homework-help-adhd-students-after-school-routine/?noamp=mobile#respond Sat, 03 Aug 2024 07:33:45 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=360395

Strengthening a Teacher-Student Relationship

Q: “How can I encourage my child to ask their teacher for help when needed?”

The skill of self-advocacy is both critical and elusive for many students with ADHD. They can benefit greatly from the student-teacher communication that they are terrified to initiate. Most educators are eager to hear their students’ needs and concerns; many adolescents, however, feel embarrassed, anxious, and/or unsure about face-to-face meetings.

Enter the dialogue journal — a blank book, usually kept in a designated space, that a teacher and student can use to correspond back and forth. This simple but powerful tool offers students a low-pressure way to express their thoughts, concerns, and needs without feeling put on the spot. It also allows teachers to digest the information when it’s convenient for them and not when they’re juggling a dozen other things.

A student could share, “I’m having a hard time focusing at my table,” “I struggle when you call me out for not paying attention in front of everyone,” or “I didn’t understand the math today.” The teacher can ask follow-up questions to get more info, offer solutions, or suggest having a face-to-face conversation.

[Get This Free Download: Explaining ADHD to Teachers]

Perhaps most importantly, the dialogue journal gives teachers the chance to offer positive feedback to students with ADHD, who respond best to praise but seldom receive it. Comments like, “Thanks for helping clean up the paints today,” or “I really enjoyed your observation in Social Studies,” can boost confidence, improve motivation, and significantly enhance the teacher-student relationship.

Homework Solutions: Starting and Finishing Assignments

“What’s the best way to help my student start and finish their homework?”

Completing homework requires sustained attention, focus, and working memory. These executive functioning skills develop more slowly in students with ADHD, creating stress and erecting barriers as a child tries to initiate and complete their assignments on time.

Here are some tips to help your student avoid the frustration that often accompanies homework assignments. Encourage your child to:

  • Decompress. When you get home from school, take 40 minutes to eat a healthy snack and refuel your brain. Then take out your books or review your homework assignments within your classroom portal.
  • Work in increments. Start with the hardest subject first. Set a timer for 30 minutes, work, then take a 10-minute break. Consider stretching and moving your body during the break to recharge. Then return to the task for another 30 minutes. Your goal is to finish each assignment before it is due. If it doesn’t get done, submit what you have, even though it’s not completed.
  • Work backward. This is an awesome strategy: Put the assignment due date on your calendar and break the project into smaller parts to determine the steps you need to finish it. Then set a deadline for completing each step. You may want to create a to-do list and mark off each step as you go for a feeling of accomplishment.

Teacher-Student Relationship: Next Steps

Kristin Seymour, MSN, R.N., AHCNS-BC, is a board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Heart & Vascular Center in St. Louis.

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

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Q: “We Need an After-School Routine to Ease the Transition to Homework.” https://www.additudemag.com/focus-music-brown-noise-study-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/focus-music-brown-noise-study-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:26:46 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=359931 After-School Routines for Managing Transitions

Q: “When our child comes home from school, they immediately get on their phone or play video games. I allow this because it’s their downtime, but the transition to getting them off their screens to do homework or chores is rough. How can we make this easier?”

Children need decompression time after school. It is challenging for an inattentive or hyperactive student to stay focused and on point for the duration of the school day. So I am all about them coming home from school and just going outside or watching videos for 30 to 40 minutes. But at 40 minutes, the alarm on their phone or a caregiver’s phone should go off, and the student’s phone should go back to its docking station or be otherwise out of reach.

If they refuse to give up their device or stop playing video games willingly, you need to confiscate the electronics. I’ve shut down my kid’s phone remotely using a deactivation tool from my cell phone provider. She learned pretty quickly that I was serious. If you decide to deactivate your child’s phone for a period to prove your point, you might say: “When you follow these rules, your work gets done, and you feel better. If you do not follow the rules, we will need to prevent access to your phone or video games in the evening so you can get your work done.”

Then, have your child work on homework for 30 to 40 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break, and repeat. Your child should not have access to electronics during any breaks.

[Download: 5 Academic Challenges Rooted in ADHD Executive Dysfunction]

Experts say it takes 21 to 30 days to make a habit stick. Once kids get into the after-school routine of transitioning from downtime to schoolwork, they will start to develop self-discipline.

Listening to Music While Studying

Q: “Should I allow my teen to listen to music while studying and doing homework?”

Yes. Listening to music while studying is a great idea if they can manage it.

Music stimulates the release of dopamine, which regulates motivation, working memory, attention, and focus — all needed for tackling homework — and often in short supply for people with ADHD. I sometimes ask my patients, “How do you study best? Do you like listening to music? Does it help you get into hyperfocus, or is it distracting?”

Half of my patients say music helps them study and focus. If playing music works for your teen and helps promote focus and calm, that’s great.

[Download: 11 Tips for Redirecting Focus]

Have your child make a playlist lasting 30 to 40 minutes. Leaving their phone in another room while music plays on a remote speaker or Bluetooth headphones will make it less likely that they will check their text messages or otherwise get distracted.

After-School Routines: Next Steps

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

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Ready. Set. Best Year Yet! https://www.additudemag.com/neurodivergent-students-guide-school-success/ https://www.additudemag.com/neurodivergent-students-guide-school-success/?noamp=mobile#respond Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:56:14 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=358168 Maintain Motivation & Resilience

These strategies will help your teen tap into their “grit.”

Teachers and parents can take advantage of these strategies for training focus, combatting procrastination, and prioritizing effectively to achieve the success that drives future motivation.

When we create learning environments and activities that help students feel safe and confident, we reduce their chances of experiencing failure and increase their chance at success.

Does delayed executive function maturity make it hard for your child to achieve his goals? Here, tips for practice, patience, and perseverance for children and teenagers with ADHD.

Traditional carrots and sticks don’t motivate students with ADHD – that much is clear. But these strategies do.

Why do adults and children with ADHD or ADD have strong motivation and executive function for some tasks and never find the cognitive spark to do others? Learn more.

Learn about seven important executive function skills, their relationship to motivation, and how to improve each skill. Learn more.

Foster Friendships & Regulate Emotions

Required reading for any parent whose child has felt excluded — or whose child has excluded others.

Students with ADHD thrive in a positive classroom environment, and peer interactions and relationships play a big role in shaping that learning experience.

While your child has strengths, it is the weak executive functions — the management system of the brain — that affect their social skills.

ADHD can cause specific immature behaviors, causing kids to be an outcast amongst peers. Learn how praise and getting involved in activities can help.

How to help your child make friends (and keep them) this year. Learn more.

Teach your child how to deal with a bully and become an upstander for other neurodivergent kids with these strategies.

Children and teens with ADHD may lose friends because of deficits in social executive function skills – the underlying processes that are involved in social skills ranging from perspective-taking to reciprocity and cognitive flexibility. Learn how to help them.

Initiate & Complete Homework

Research suggests that the soundtrack to your child’s homework should comprise these 21 songs, proven to change the electromagnetic frequency of brain waves for optimal focus.

Learn ways to treat dysgraphia – a disability that impacts writing abilities – and to improve handwriting for a lifetime.

With these homework routines, teachers and parents can replace after-school tantrums with higher grades..

Hurdles with writing trace back to executive functioning — our brains’ ability to absorb, organize, and act on information. Learn more.

12 ADHD-friendly strategies for creating calm, avoiding burnout, and staying organized during homework time.

Spare your family drama and fights by following this homework system designed for children with ADHD and learning disabilities.

Kids with ADHD often struggle with homework, but each one struggles in a unique way. Here are specific solutions that really work for kids with ADHD.

Secure Accommodations & Self-Advocate

These academic and organizational tips are designed to help high school students with ADHD finish homework, execute long-term projects, manage their time, earn high grades, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

“Daily report cards are among the most powerful evidence-based tools that educators have to encourage better behavior in students. A strong report card system has a few key elements that make or break its effectiveness.”

Know your rights if the school refuses to evaluate your student for learning differences.

8 straightforward steps — from requesting a school evaluation to monitoring accommodations — to help parents develop the best IEP or 504 Plan possible for kids with ADHD.

Learn how to help a student with ADHD understand and communicate their learning needs to teachers and parents.

Here are some of our favorite solutions for addressing common ADHD challenges at school.

Here are some of our favorite solutions for addressing common ADHD challenges at school.

Remember Not to Forget

A working memory deficit could explain his difficulty working out math problems in his head or with reading retention. Take this self-test.

Improve working memory in children with ADHD by using these 10 exercises that lighten the mental load by externalizing reminders.

Learn faster. Retain more. Perform better on tests. Yes, really. With these research-based techniques for studying with ADHD .

Educators must do more to support students with learning differences for whom working memory is an area of need. The following are a few strategies and pointers for educators.

Research shows that students with ADHD don’t need to study harder or longer to conquer exams — they just need to study differently. Here’s how.

Weak working memory impairs a child’s ability to follow multi-step directions, tap into old information, or quickly recall lessons. These 15 exercises and strategies can help.

Verbal and non-verbal working memory are two essential batteries powering what Dr. Russell Barkley calls your brain’s GPS system — the one that keeps you on track, on time, and in control. Learn how to keep them charged.

Build Self-Confidence at School

Responding to bad behavior with neurotypical parenting techniques is counterproductive because it ignores the root problem. Here is a better way.

When teens with ADHD feel less than adequate, parents should use these strategies to help them bolster their self confidence, make healthy choices, and develop a positive perspective on the future. Here’s how.

Daily challenges and corrections at school can demoralize a child and trample her confidence. How to end the cycle.

These ADHD teaching strategies will help all students — but especially those with ADD — learn to the best of their ability in any classroom. Get started.

No child with ADHD can succeed at school if he believes he is less smart or less capable than his peers. Here is a better way.

Many children with ADHD, battered by daily criticisms and admonitions, have low self-esteem as early as second grade. Make a powerful difference with these reframing strategies.

Chronic stress at school can make kids (particularly those with ADHD or LD) dread going — and change their brains for the worse. Learn more.

Organize & Manage Time

The most critical tool for building these executive functions? The right planner. Here it is.

Want to make sure that your child gets his homework done every night — and learns about planning and how to prioritize? Teach them to use a homework planner.

11 tips for cementing your family’s routine.

Here, learn how to use calendars and clocks to teach your child the value of strong priorities and to help him be on time more often.

Paper planners outperform digital ones for ADHD brains. Here is what makes a great planner.

Chaotic desk? Forgotten homework? Missed deadlines? Your child needs these ADHD organizing tips.

Reliable schedules for mornings, after school, and bedtime make a tremendous difference in setting expectations, building good habits, and improving ADD-related behavior. Learn more.

Resist Distractions and Focus

dopamine menu lists an assortment of pleasurable, healthy activities — from appetizers like yoga poses to main courses like a HIIT class to sides like white noise — from which ADHD brains can choose when they need stimulation. Learn more.

Research shows that physical activity — even a little foot-tapping or gum chewing — increases levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain that control focus and attention. Learn more.

“Procrastivity” is a self-defeating ADHD time-management habit can be helped by cognitive behavioral therapy approaches that teach patients how to prioritize tasks. Learn more here.

You can’t train away executive dysfunction. But you can more consistently get things done by creating systems in your life that support these brain processes. Get started here.

Soothing, effective fidgets for students with ADHD who focus best when they are chewing, squeezing, picking, or — yes — spinning. See our picks here.

Children with ADHD experience a lower level of brain arousal, which means they are easily distracted by internal and external stimuli. Use these school and home strategies to improve focus and comprehension.

For inconsistent focus, use these teacher-approved accommodations to put some real muscle behind his 504 Plan and put the attention back on learning. Get started.

Control Impulses and Behavior

Back-to-school supplies for students with ADHD — from erasable pens and highlighter tape to wiggle seat cushions, and more — that improve focus, organization, and classroom engagement. See the list.

Educators share their top tips for developing stronger executive function skills and independence in students with ADHD and learning differences here.

The Good Behavior Game is one of many classroom behavior interventions — backed by research — that inspires better behavior from students with and without ADHD. Here is how to play.

Is your child experiencing behavior problems at school? Use this step-by-step guide.

Time-outs and lectures won’t magically cure the impulsive tendencies of kids with ADHD. But these real-world tips for teachers and parents just might.

Lack of impulse control may be the most difficult ADHD symptom to change. Medication can help, but kids also need effective behavior management strategies in place — clear expectations, positive incentives, and predictable consequences — if they are to learn to regulate their behavior. Get started here.

Teach students to regulate their emotions with these ADHD strategies.

Forge Stronger Executive Functions

Executive function deficits may look like absentmindedness or forgetfulness. Learn more.

Learn about your child’s seven executive functions — and how to boost them.

“Executive dysfunction is ubiquitous in children with ADHD, which helps to explain why so many students with attention deficit are reprimanded for forgotten homework, disorganized projects, running out of time on tests, and more.” Learn more.

Martial arts help build self-control, discipline, and persistence. Learn how.

Symptoms of inattentive ADHD are often mistaken for apathy or laziness. Learn the truth.

ADHD intentions don’t always translate into action. Learn how to align them here.

90% of kids with ADHD have an executive function deficit. Learn how to strengthen executive functions here.

https://www.additudemag.com/neurodivergent-students-guide-school-success/feed/ 0 358168
How to Stop Procrastinating, According to ADHD Experts https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-stop-procrastinating-time-management-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-stop-procrastinating-time-management-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Wed, 11 Oct 2023 14:15:53 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=340597 From time management issues to relationship dilemmas, personal challenges vex experts in the field of ADHD just like everyone else. So how do they deal with the struggles they help clients solve? Here’s what a few experts told ADDitude.

Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D.

Clinical psychologist, lecturer in psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

On how to stop procrastinating …

I use the “account-a-buddy” system to prevent procrastination. I text a friend or group of friends and let them know about a task I have to do, and ask them to suggest an album I can listen to on Spotify while doing it. It holds me accountable and I get to listen to an album new to me in the process!

On solving hurt feelings stemming from a difference of opinion …

I start by focusing on intentions. Oftentimes, the difference in opinion arises from how those intentions get communicated or executed. But if you open with — “We both want the same thing here. We are on the same team. But maybe we are each paying attention to a different coach telling us how to score the goal” — I find that it brings the focus back to what you have in common.

[Read: How ADHD Ignites Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria]

Ann Dolin, M.Ed.

On dealing with a child’s unwillingness to do homework …

A friend once told me, “If you think you might get into a power struggle with your child, then you already are in a power struggle.” Both of my kids have ADHD, and I make a real effort to avoid that daily homework drama to preserve our relationship.

Most of the resistance surrounding homework stems from the child not understanding the material. When this happened with my younger son, I would help him get started. Whenever he would get frustrated and start to argue, I would put the ball back in his court by saying, “I’ve noticed this assignment is really hard for you. I’ll be over here checking my work email. When you’re ready, come back to me.”

If you sit by your child and help them do each step of each assignment, it sets a bad precedent, and your child may become reliant on you. I didn’t set high expectations for homework. I just encouraged them to get it done and left the quality up to the teacher. If my younger son, who was often more resistant, would slap something down on his paper and say he was done, I would leave it at that. It just needs to be complete, and that’s how you avoid the constant power struggles. Maintaining a good relationship with your child is far more important than turning in perfect homework assignments.

[Read: Top 5 Homework Frustrations — and Fixes for Each]

Wes Crenshaw, Ph.D., ABPP, CST

On encouraging independence in teens and young adults …

An intervention I’ve used for many years to help parents manage young adults (YAs) has come in pretty darn handy in my own life in the last 10 years. My daughter just sat for her bar exam and my son is in his sophomore year of college, so I consider it effective, especially when you start in the almost-teen years.

Consider every act you are about to do for your child as either beneficent or enabling — and enact only the beneficent ones. Beneficence means to give in a way that brings about good. First, the act must really help the YA on the core task of development, which is moving toward independence and self-sufficiency. Second, the act must not harm the giver.

The opposite of beneficence is enabling, or solving a problem that the YA is capable of solving on their own. Enabling leads to increased dependency and limits creativity and problem-solving. It’s often tough to discern one from the other and then take only the beneficent path. I spend a lot of time with families figuring out in any given situation which is which.

Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

Clinical psychologist, and author

On time management …

Two time-management patterns especially challenge me: First, I often underestimate how long a task will take and then rush to get it done at the last minute. Second, I may overestimate how much time a task will take, feel overwhelmed by it, and procrastinate.

Over time, I’ve learned to manage my time better. I use alarms and notifications that give me ample warning when I need to transition and add an extra 10 minutes for unforeseen issues. I also cut my expectations regarding what I can accomplish in a day. Instead of attempting eight things, I’ll aim to do three, and return to my list if there is time left. I link certain tasks and projects to different days of the week based on urgency and importance. By working with due dates, I can allocate my time better.

Lastly, I am committed to practicing self-acceptance around this issue. If I’m running late, I own it, and let people know in advance as much as possible. Then, I consider what different choices I could have made to be punctual without shaming myself. All these techniques help me to figure out what is possible, be accountable for my actions, and leave room for improvement.

Evelyn Polk Green, M.Ed.

Immediate past president, Attention Deficit Disorder Association

On task management …

Organizing and initiating a task are my two biggest ADHD challenges, and that means that my house/desk/car are a mess. I’ve solved that by paying for things like a housekeeper and laundry service, using meal plan kits and food delivery services often, and paying a monthly fee for unlimited car washes and interior cleanings. I know not everyone can afford all of that, but I encourage folks to think about what not paying for those things costs them in the “ADHD tax,” and realize you’ll probably save enough to do at least some of this.

On taking ADHD in stride …

Despite being aware of my ADHD, and being an ADHD advocate for almost 30 years, I still experience many of the same challenges that other individuals with the disorder do. I have to say that I have learned to take it in stride and even laugh (once I’m done being angry/frustrated/unhappy with myself because of whatever ADHD mess I’ve gotten myself into). That is actually one of my most important coping skills: acknowledging that I’m going to mess up, not beating myself up (too much) when it happens, finding something funny about the situation, and then moving on.

How To Stop Procrastinating & Time Management Tips: Next Steps

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-stop-procrastinating-time-management-adhd/feed/ 0 340597
Q: “What Mind Mapping and Study Apps for Students with ADHD Work Best?” https://www.additudemag.com/todoist-otter-ai-brainly-study-apps-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/todoist-otter-ai-brainly-study-apps-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 10 Oct 2023 05:11:34 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=340556 Q: “My son has ADHD and is into tech and gadgets. He loves playing with apps on his phone and computer. I’m tired of fighting with him about his usage. Instead, I’d like to lean into it and find some apps to help him study, stay organized, and focus. Do you have any recommendations?” — MarylandADHDMom

Hi MarylandADHDMom:

I appreciate your desire to “lean in” to your son’s app usage. It’s important to meet your child where they live. So, although I do sometimes feel that apps can be limiting and distracting, I have many student coaching clients, especially those with executive functioning challenges and ADHD, who find them useful, easy to manage, and a natural extension of their recreational “tech usage.” In other words, they’re more apt to use study apps than other “old school” methods, and using them is what matters.

Here are five of my favorites.

Top Study Apps for Students with ADHD

Habit Hub

(https://apps.apple.com/us/app/habit-hub-routine-schedule/id1149192857; free; iOS)

Creating and maintaining daily habits is key to effectively managing ADHD — and it’s also incredibly difficult. Habit Hub comes to students’ aid by reminding them to perform tasks and visually tracking their progress. It builds a motivating “chain” (A feature my students love!) of each day’s completed tasks. As the chain gets longer, it serves as an incentive or as motivation to keep at the project. Nobody wants to break the chain!

With Habit Hub, your son can customize his tasks into categories. It’s incredibly flexible and makes setting up and staying in a routine game-like.

Otter AI

(https://otter.ai/; free basic plan; students with an email address ending with “.edu” receive a 20% discount on upgraded versions Otter Pro Annual ($6.67/per month/ $79.99 annually, and Otter Pro Monthly ($13.59/per month)

Otter AI offers a much-needed lifeline for students juggling classes, research, exams, and extracurriculars, and it’s especially helpful for students with weak working memory.

[Download These Teacher Approved Apps and Tools For School]

The app records audio and automatically takes notes in real-time, so students can focus on the discussion, knowing they’ll have access to the transcript and recording to review and highlight. Once the lecture ends, Otter AI automatically generates a summary, making it easier for students to digest and remember key points and themes. The app also captures lecture slides and adds them to notes, which helps students recall the details with full context. The app’s keyword search capabilities are crucial for promoting more effective notetaking.


(https://brainly.com/; free to join)

I can’t say enough about Brainly. Picture this: It’s 11 p.m., and your son is stumped by his homework, but it’s too late to reach out to a friend or teacher. Now, he has an alternative. Brainly is a knowledge-sharing community where hundreds of millions of students and experts work together to crack the toughest homework questions.

With the app, your son can search a knowledge base of millions of school subject questions. Both students and experts provide answers and support. Moderators keep things kind and collaborative. And experts verify the quality of answers.

Brainly is geared mainly towards middle and high school students but is gaining popularity in the college-age set.

[Self-Test: Signs of Executive Dysfunction in Kids and Teens]


(https://simplemind.eu/; free basic platform; works on Mac, Windows, iPad, iPhone, and Android)

Many of my students love mind mapping, a more natural form of notetaking used to brainstorm, plan, and make connections between ideas. It speaks to their creativity and lends a visual aspect to notetaking and studying.

SimpleMind can organize your son’s thoughts by creating a mind map, which can then be seamlessly synchronized across multiple platforms and shared with others. The app allows users to add photos, videos, and even voice recordings. My students especially like that they can select different layouts and customize the appearance of their mind maps.

Stay Focusd

(https://www.stayfocusd.com/, free)

 If your son is endlessly scrolling through his social media or getting lost on the Internet when he should be working or studying, Stay Focusd may rescue him.

This self-control and productivity extension for Google Chrome allows you to block distracting apps and websites according to defined conditions. Your son can block out a specific schedule, set a daily usage limit, or even set a goal-based limit. In other words, it allows him to take a break from his phone and focus on homework without relying solely on self-control.


(https://todoist.com/; free beginner plan, upgrades available for $4/per month, works on all devices)

With so many to-do list apps, I couldn’t choose one I preferred. This is where I relied on my students’ preferences. Todoist is their top pick for many reasons:

  1. It’s available on all platforms and devices.
  2. Its distraction-free design allows students to be super detailed with their tasks. (Your son can use Todoist to add steps to projects, set due dates, color code priorities, and create recurring tasks effortlessly.)
  3. My students say the app is super user-friendly!

Good luck.

Mind Mapping & Study Apps for ADHD Brains: Next Steps

ADHD Family Coach Leslie Josel, of Order Out of Chaos, will answer questions from ADDitude readers about everything from paper clutter to disaster-zone bedrooms and from mastering to-do lists to arriving on time every time.

Submit your questions to the ADHD Family Coach here!

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

https://www.additudemag.com/todoist-otter-ai-brainly-study-apps-adhd/feed/ 0 340556
25 Must-Read ADDitude Articles for Parenting Kids with ADHD https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/parenting-a-child-with-adhd-articles/ https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/parenting-a-child-with-adhd-articles/?noamp=mobile#respond Mon, 09 Oct 2023 08:43:59 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?post_type=slideshow&p=340462 https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/parenting-a-child-with-adhd-articles/feed/ 0 340462 Q: “Why Does the Fear of Failure Paralyze My Teen?” https://www.additudemag.com/fear-of-failure-procrastination-adhd-teen/ https://www.additudemag.com/fear-of-failure-procrastination-adhd-teen/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:41:09 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=337588 Q: “Why does the fear of failure keep my teenage son with ADHD from getting his work done?” — NebraskaMom

Hi NebraskaMom:

The fear of underperforming or failing is a very common obstacle for many teens, especially those with executive functioning challenges or ADHD. Due to the sheer nature of ADHD, the ability to complete tasks and assignments is daunting or overwhelming. Understanding the intricate interplay between ADHD and your son’s fear is essential to helping him navigate his academic journey.

Imagine a busy train station where trains full of “concentration” are meant to depart on time. But the train station is overflowing with thoughts, ideas, impulses, etc. You get it. For those with ADHD, the “concentration” trains are often derailed or delayed due to all those distractions. In other words, your son’s attention is being pulled between focus and distractibility.

[Free Resource: Turn Your Teen’s Apathy Into Engagement]

Now add in the fear of failure or doing poorly, and you have another hurdle on the tracks. This fear acts like an unseen force that derails the concentration train before it can even gain momentum. It can bring anxiety, self-doubt, and a desire to avoid the task at all costs. In essence, your son’s fear is a powerful conductor, redirecting his attention away from his work.

Now, the fear of failure isn’t solely rooted in what he has to do but also in the potential consequences that doing poorly or failing might bring. I guess that he frequently hears criticism or negative feedback. By age 10, a child with ADHD will hear 20,000 corrective comments, according to Michael S. Jellinek, M.D. 1 This barrage of judgment, coupled with his internal pressure, can amplify his fear to the point that it shuts him down. Completely.

Remember, the ADHD brain is wired differently, making it more challenging to organize thoughts, prioritize tasks, and manage time efficiently. Trust me when I say these difficulties get heavy and weigh kids down, leading to a vicious cycle of avoidance and procrastination. As the deadlines loom, the fear of not measuring up increases, and the thought of trying to tackle the task becomes overwhelming.

So, how can you help your son?

Overcoming Fear of Failure

Create a nurturing and understanding environment. It might sound obvious, but it’s worth stating: Open communication and validating your son’s feelings are essential.

[Self-Test: Does My Child Have ADHD? Symptom Test for Kids]

Help him develop smart strategies, such as breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Consider enlisting professional help, such as an ADHD coach, who can teach him tools and techniques for planning, studying, managing time, and staying organized.

Involve his teachers and the school. Collaborate to create accommodations or modifications that can alleviate some of his pressures. If he doesn’t already have one in place, consider building a 504 Plan or IEP (Individual Education Program). Establishing a support network will empower your son to confront his fears and build resiliency.

And, most importantly, focus on the progress rather than the result! Celebrate even the smallest wins!

Good luck!

Fear of Failure: Next Steps

ADHD Family Coach Leslie Josel, of Order Out of Chaos, will answer questions from ADDitude readers about everything from paper clutter to disaster-zone bedrooms and from mastering to-do lists to arriving on time every time.

Submit your questions to the ADHD Family Coach here!

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.



1Jellinek, M.S., (2010) Dont Let ADHD Crush Children’s Self-Esteem. Clinical Psychiatry News. Volume 38, Issue 5, Page 12.

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“When Lack of Motivation Runs in the Family: Getting Kids with ADHD Organized & Focused for Learning” [Video Replay & Podcast #475] https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/lack-of-motivation-organization-adhd-students/ https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/lack-of-motivation-organization-adhd-students/?noamp=mobile#respond Wed, 23 Aug 2023 21:16:09 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?post_type=webinar&p=338155 Episode Description

Kids are better able to focus on schoolwork when the home they live in is organized and conducive to learning. For children with ADHD, and their caregivers with ADHD, that order is easier said than achieved. It’s important to create a structured environment, with effective supports to build time management, so that messy backpacks and homework battles no longer dominate your nights.

In this webinar, Ann Dolin, M.Ed., will explain the unique challenges that parents with ADHD may face in helping their children get organized and manage their time effectively for school — and provide approaches for neurodivergent caregivers that turn chaos into calm and lead to improved academic performance.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Strategies for breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps to help parents with ADHD and their children stay on top of assignments, deadlines, and schedules
  • The importance of using visual aids, like timers and calendars, to help parents with ADHD and their children stay organized and focused
  • How to use strategies called the 3-to-1 Ratio and Nag-Free Zones to make after-school time more positive and productive
  • How students can best communicate with the teacher to advocate for their academic needs, especially if they have a 504 Plan or IEP

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

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Click the play button below to listen to this episode directly in your browser, click the  symbol to download to listen later, or open in your podcasts app: Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsAudacySpotifyAmazon MusiciHeartRADIO.

More on Motivating Students with ADHD

Obtain a Certificate of Attendance

If you attended the live webinar on October 10, 2023, watched the video replay, or listened to the podcast, you may purchase a certificate of attendance option (cost: $10). Note: ADDitude does not offer CEU credits. Click here to purchase the certificate of attendance option »

Meet the Expert Speaker

Ann Dolin, M.Ed., has nearly 30 years of experience working with students. She is a former public school special education teacher and author who founded Educational Connections in 1998. The company specializes in helping students, especially those with ADHD, build executive function skills and study habits to perform better in school and, ultimately, in college.

She and her team of more than 120 tutors, executive function coaches, college consultants, and parent coaches provide virtual support to families with kindergarten to college students throughout the country.

Ann is the author of Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework and Getting Past Procrastination: How to Get Your Kids Organized, Focused and Motivated…Without Being the Bad Guy. (#CommissionsEarned) She also is past president of CHADD of Northern Virginia and is an advocate for students with ADHD.

#CommissionsEarned As an Amazon Associate, ADDitude earns a commission from qualifying purchases made by ADDitude readers on the affiliate links we share.

Listener Testimonials

“It was great! Loved the content and delivery.”

“I loved the practical strategies, and the Q/A at the end where she made a point to differentiate between challenges with content vs executive functioning skills to complete a task they can do!”

“I am excited to put the tools learned into practice with my family. My daughter is in 6th grade and this is the perfect time to start setting up some of the routines discussed.”

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ADDitude thanks our sponsors for supporting our webinars. Sponsorship has no influence on speaker selection or webinar content.

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Q: “What Homeschooling Tips Will Keep My Kids Engaged?” https://www.additudemag.com/homeschooling-tips-neurodivergent-student-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/homeschooling-tips-neurodivergent-student-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:43:02 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=336540 Q: “Do you have tips for multi-grade homeschooling? I have four boys in three different grades, and we all have ADHD.”

Since children of different ages have different needs, here are some homeschooling strategies to help.

1. Schedule “Class Time”

No matter their age, keep your students on a school schedule. If they had to be physically present for class outside the home, they would set their alarms and get themselves out the door on time. Neurodivergent students need to place the same importance on homeschooling schedules and classes as they would at an in-person school.

2. Have Your Children “Body Double”

For some children with ADHD, working in the same room as others helps them stay motivated and on task. With that in mind, create a common work area for all your children. The only rule is that this is a time for working, not talking. Place an inexpensive tabletop presentation board on the kitchen table so everyone has some privacy. Make sure you provide plenty of snacks.

[Sign Up for ADDitude’s Free ADHD Parenting Class]

3. Infuse Learning with Movement

Homework is boring and doing it in the same place all the time can get old quickly. Changing your children’s environment will keep things interesting and fresh when they start to lose focus and attention. Games like “Hide the Homework,” where kids search the house for hidden assignments (They complete them where they find them.), helps to add an element of fun and surprise to the daily routine. Spelling words can go in the bathtub (No water!), and math problems can go under the kitchen table. Or play “Beat the Clock” by setting up subject stations around your kitchen or dining room table. Place a timer in the middle; when it goes off, your child moves to the next station. Incorporate younger children into the mix with art or reading stations.

Get outside! I have students doing math homework with sidewalk chalk or learning vocabulary words while jumping on a trampoline. Have a dog that needs walking? You grab the flashcards, your child grabs the dog, and by the time you’re back, they’ve studied for the exam.

4. Create a Playlist

Music helps the brain plan, focus, and initiate. Have each of your children create a study playlist of music they love. The key is to start the same playlist every time they sit down to work. Eventually, the music will act as a motivator — hearing it will signal to the brain that it’s time to get work done.

5. Designate Different Areas in Your Home for School and Homework

Any way you can set up their environment to provide motivation is a win.

[Free Download: The Guide to ADHD Learning Styles]

Homeschooling Tips: Next Steps

ADHD Family Coach Leslie Josel, of Order Out of Chaos, will answer questions from ADDitude readers about everything from paper clutter to disaster-zone bedrooms and from mastering to-do lists to arriving on time every time.

Submit your questions to the ADHD Family Coach here!

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

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Q: “Can Emotional Regulation Coping Strategies Help My Stressed Child?” https://www.additudemag.com/emotional-regulation-coping-strategies-focus-adhd-child/ https://www.additudemag.com/emotional-regulation-coping-strategies-focus-adhd-child/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 15 Aug 2023 08:03:04 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=337105 Q: “My child becomes stressed and angry when he can’t focus on schoolwork. How can I redirect and reduce his frustration?”
— JoburgMom

Hi JoburgMom:

When a child feels overwhelmed and unable to focus on schoolwork, it’s crucial to provide guidance and support to reduce that frustration. Providing them with coping strategies that are age-appropriate and doable can be effective in alleviating their feelings of anger or helplessness. Here are additional suggestions on how you can support your child.

Validate their Feelings

This is always the place to start. Avoid saying common phrases such as, “You’re being ridiculous” or “If you would just start, you’ll just be able to focus.” Or even, “You can do it!” Instead, start by acknowledging your child’s stress and frustration. Let them know it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times and that you understand their struggles and will help them with emotional regulation skills.

Here’s a great way to think about it. Validating their emotions creates a safe space to express their feelings and work out solutions that feel right for them. Make sure to praise their efforts and progress, even small ones. Let them know that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.

Create a Calm Environment

Notice that I didn’t say a quiet one. For some students with ADHD and executive functioning challenges, a quiet environment is distracting. Many need the hum of the house or background noise to help them focus. Make sure your son’s homework environment is set up so it works for him. Does he like to listen to music? Does music help him feel less stressed? More activated? Have him create a study playlist filled with his favorite tunes. When it’s time to hit the books, he can study along to the music.

If he needs a noisy environment to stay on task, set him up with a workstation close to where the action is in your home. Just ensure that the other household members don’t disturb him once he starts working.

[Self-Test: Could Your Child Have an Executive Function Deficit?]

Does he need to fidget to focus? If that’s the case, create separate stations around your home where he can move to complete different subjects. For example, math can be done at the kitchen table, science in the living room, and so on. Movement helps to lay down learning and helps us initiate and stay focused.

Break it Down

I mean all the way down. When facing a large assignment or complex problem, tackling it in its entirety can create overwhelm. Work on one math problem, write one paragraph, define one vocabulary word, etc. You get the idea. By breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, your son can tackle one piece at a time, sustain focus, and reduce stress.

Establish a Routine

Students with ADHD and executive functioning challenges crave routines and structure. They provide stability and predictability, which may reduce your son’s anxiety and increase his ability to concentrate. If possible, set specific times to do homework and stick to it. And don’t forget to schedule breaks. They are a must for soothing the brain.

Engage the Senses

Don’t underestimate the power of introducing calming elements, such as soft music, candles, essential oils (my favorite!), stress balls, or fidget toys. My college-age student coaching clients love a brand called Yogi. They make fidget toys and spinners styled for older kids. All these types of supports provide a sensory outlet and promote relaxation.

[Free Download: 10 Ways to Neutralize Your Child’s Anger]

Consider Alternative Learning Approaches

If traditional learning methods aren’t working, explore alternative approaches that cater to your son’s individual needs. Try incorporating visual aids, hands-on activities, interactive learning tools, and other coping strategies that can make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for him.

Here’s some more food for thought: Homework is the last thing your son wants to do. So, it’s important to tap into what truly works best for your son to learn. Building a roadmap that honors his strengths and needs will give him the tools and resources to maximize and strengthen his homework muscle.

By creating a Personal Homework Profile, he can take a more holistic approach that focuses on his best practices for getting work done.

Good luck!

Emotional Regulation: Next Steps

ADHD Family Coach Leslie Josel, of Order Out of Chaos, will answer questions from ADDitude readers about everything from paper clutter to disaster-zone bedrooms and from mastering to-do lists to arriving on time every time.

Submit your questions to the ADHD Family Coach here!

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

https://www.additudemag.com/emotional-regulation-coping-strategies-focus-adhd-child/feed/ 0 337105
Heading to College with ADHD? Consider These Accommodations https://www.additudemag.com/accommodations-college-students-disabilities-adhd/ https://www.additudemag.com/accommodations-college-students-disabilities-adhd/?noamp=mobile#respond Sun, 23 Jul 2023 08:49:20 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=335851 The transition from high school to college is transformative — and tricky. During this time, many people discover their passion, forge a career path, and develop friendships to last a lifetime. In these ways, college is a rewarding investment, but post-secondary institutions were not designed with every student in mind.

Young adults with ADHD face unique barriers to higher education that can drastically impact mental health and academic performance. Hence the need for formal accommodations, which are helpful when secured, but vastly underutilized. Most college students choose not to disclose their disability1 — a requirement for accommodation requests. In a recent ADDitude poll, 32% of current and former students said they were simply unaware of support provided by their college’s Office of Disability Services.

What can be done, then, to empower students with ADHD and/or encourage them to seek support? We asked ADDitude readers with college experience: What types of accommodations, services, workarounds, and/or hacks would you recommend to neurodivergent college students? Did you receive formal disability services, or did you develop your own?

Fun fact: Most students find out about accommodations from their peers2 — so consider sharing the tips* below with a classmate. You never know who you might help!

College Accommodations

“My college provides access to an app called Glean for students with accommodations. It records audio and/or video of lectures while allowing you to take notes within the app.” — Kayla, Maryland

[Free Guide to Securing ADHD Accommodations in College]

“I was able to use the Student Development Center to take tests; they offered a noise-free area, which helped me concentrate.” — Starla, Michigan

“Try using color, visuals, taking notes, using Post-Its, or the Cornell Note Method.” — An ADDitude reader

“Flexible/extendable due dates were helpful, as was color-coding my calendar. I used a Panda Planner (#CommissionsEarned) which helped me break down tasks to monthly, weekly, and daily necessities.” — Hannah, Pennsylvania

“Study groups are essential for ADHD. Nothing keeps you on track like a good study buddy.” — Tamara, Wisconsin

[Read: 7 Secrets to Studying Better with ADHD]

“Using Notability to record a lecture has been helpful. It syncs with my handwritten notes using an iPad. I also recently rediscovered bionic reading, and this may be pivotal for me if I can figure out how to easily apply it to textbooks and articles. Reading is my downfall; I’m very slow and comprehension varies.” — Lea, Canada

“One of my professors recommended switching out of in-class learning for some of my courses. I went from failing those classes to getting top marks. I struggled to pay attention and complete work in a formal classroom setting. Being able to do class work on my own time and at my own pace at home, without distraction, made a huge difference.” — An ADDitude reader

“Back when I was in school, everything involved note taking — no tech support or hacks. The biggest help for me was writing everything down and often going back later to rewrite my notes, because it was often a jumble of thoughts that came out on paper. Rewriting allowed me to rethink and reorganize the information in my head. I am also very visual, and I often sketched the information or ideas out as I listened so that I had a visual cue.” — Laura, Oregon

“I am in school, and this is evolving. I find accommodations do less than flexible environments. Traditional, lecture-based classes are challenging for me. However, collaborative or self-directed processes where I can follow my creative and critical thinking are where profound learning occurs.” — Denielle, New Mexico

“Along with regularly zoning out because of my ADHD, I also end up dissociating a lot. I got a notetaker and extra time on tests, which was great, but the game changer was simply having two blank pieces of paper to cover the rest of the page on exams and assignments. My girlfriend, who also has ADHD, found color coding useful. She has categories (general notes, dates, formulas, important people, etc.) and has assigned a color to each category. In class it means she must be focused to know when to switch colors… and in studying the color variety, makes it easier to stay engaged without getting overwhelmed. This strategy also helps her skim notes when looking for a fact — she already knows what category it’ll be in.” — Jessica, New York

“I was not diagnosed when I was in college, but in reflecting back, I was very intentional about allowing my interest levels to drive my course selections and my approach to assignments.” — Alma

“Listening to music, taking my work outdoors, putting on a familiar show or film at a low volume while I wrote papers, always having food near me, and living at home during my undergrad experience helped. The latter meant I could focus on school and not all the adult skills I would have also needed to master in the dorms or in off-campus housing. I knew I wasn’t ready for that and college at the same time.” — Margot, California

[Download: Find Your Passion with This ADHD “Brain Blueprint”]

“Repetition! Repetition! Repetition! Writing material three to four times, or using it three to four times, is what helped me during college when I wanted to learn a new vocabulary word.” — Erin, Texas

“I made sure that every single day after classes, I sat down and worked through as much as possible. Immediately. I was never on top of [my assignments], but this saved me from [my assignments] being all on top of me.” — Debbie, South Africa

“Having a dedicated study routine really helped me. I was undiagnosed all through college, and I started out with really bad grades. I was able to pull them up by building a routine where I scheduled breaks between classes to study.” — Tiffany, Maryland

*Some reader responses have been edited for clarity.

College Students with ADHD: Next Steps

#CommissionsEarned As an Amazon Associate, ADDitude earns a commission from qualifying purchases made by ADDitude readers on the affiliate links we share. However, all products linked in the ADDitude Store have been independently selected by our editors and/or recommended by our readers. Prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.


1 National Center for Education Statistics. (2022, April 26). A majority of college students with disabilities do not inform school, new NCES data show. https://nces.ed.gov/whatsnew/press_releases/4_26_2022.asp

2 Parker Harris, S., Gould, R., & Mullin, C. (2019). ADA research brief: Higher education and the ADA (pp. 1-6). ADA National Network Knowledge Translation Center. https://adata.org/research_brief/higher-education-and-ada

Thank you for reading ADDitude. To support our mission of providing ADHD education and support, please consider subscribing. Your readership and support help make our content and outreach possible. Thank you.

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Neurodiversity at School: A 10-Part Guide for Parents & Teachers https://www.additudemag.com/neurodivergence-at-school-parents-teachers/ https://www.additudemag.com/neurodivergence-at-school-parents-teachers/?noamp=mobile#respond Thu, 13 Jul 2023 20:06:02 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?p=335570

Click each image below to read detailed advice and strategies for the school year ahead.

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ADHD @ School: A Free Class for Parents https://www.additudemag.com/download/adhd-new-school-year-for-parents/ https://www.additudemag.com/download/adhd-new-school-year-for-parents/?noamp=mobile#respond Thu, 06 Jul 2023 16:43:02 +0000 https://www.additudemag.com/?post_type=download&p=335170
Welcome to ADDitude’s 10-week Success @ School email program — a self-guided course for caregivers and educators of neurodivergent students.

This free, curated learning series equips caregivers and educators with accurate, up-to-date information about learning with ADHD, plus realistic and effective solutions to specific academic, behavioral, and social challenges associated with ADHD in the classroom.

Your training will begin immediately with an introduction to ADHD and executive function, and ideas for starting off the school year right. Each week, you will receive a new lesson about devising effective accommodations, controlling impulses and behavior, resisting distractions, managing time, building self-confidence and working memory, making friends, and much more…

PART ONE: Forge Strong Executive Functions
PART TWO: Control Impulses & Behavior
PART THREE: Resist Distractions & Focus
PART FOUR: Organize & Manage Time
PART FIVE: Build Self-Confidence at School
PART SIX: Remember Not to Forget
PART SEVEN: Secure Accommodations & Self-Advocate
PART EIGHT: Initiate & Complete Homework
PART NINE: Foster Friendships & Regulate Emotions
PART TEN: Maintain Motivation & Resilience

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.

https://www.additudemag.com/download/adhd-new-school-year-for-parents/feed/ 0 335170