Comments on: A Parent’s Complete Guide to ADHD Medications ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Tue, 03 Dec 2024 19:32:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: ugh Mon, 18 Jan 2021 14:18:34 +0000 I have to disagree with this article. I have ADHD and you’ve convinced me to not want to take medication. Every reason you gave for why we should take it directly targets what makes us creative and unique, and discreetly suggests that we should be “dialed down” to be more average. The section where it is said that the parent is the child’s advocate is not thought out; true, younger children have trouble describing how they feel, but it’s not impossible. Having sleeping issues could be connected to that “I’m sleepy” comment at lunch time. Another issue I have is that most people diagnosed are actually old enough to tell the doctor what’s going on themselves, and I think they should be part of the decision to whether they take the medication or not. Parents shouldn’t be shoving medication down their throats because “that’s what the doctor said”. The medication created for people with ADHD and ADD is designed to help people focus and manage their time better. The way you’re describing the effects it should have sounds like it was designed to erase our identities and what we are skilled at when not on medication. It seems by the wording in this article that the only thing that matters is whether a child is successful at academics like math and science. The medication taking away hyperactivity isn’t necessarily the best, either. Sometimes, especially in these days when everyone is on their devices, the hyperactivity is the only way they get outside and get fresh air. I know in my case I’s much slower and generally in a constant “bad mood” when I’m forced by my parents to take my meds. It’s said in this article that the dose is usually determined by the age of sixteen and doesn’t change for the rest of someone’s life. If taking medication is the decision of only the parent(s) and doctor(s), they are making a life-lasting decision you might not agree with. Stopping use of medication could eventually become harmful to the person’s system, like if a coffee drinker of 20 years suddenly stopped, or the withdrawal symptoms of an addict started taking place whether you are or aren’t an addict to the medication. Your body learns to live with it and develop such a comfort with it that the absence of the medication could cause damage to their brain or internal systems. Statistically, the number of dangers and side effects are greater than benefits, which is risky. Side effects might not start immediately. I started taking my medication in March. I started twitching and having lots of shivers around December, and they’re often accompanied with a sound. I also notice that my toes get very very cold and turn purple when I’m sitting straight with both feet on the floor. I realize that December is a very cold month and you must be thinking those two events are related to that. I agree, the cold isn’t helping, but I took another look at the list of side effects that I was given by my doctor and under close and careful observation decided the medication was the cause, not the cold. I am always careful to check multiple times at different times of the day and on different days what side effects I am experiencing, and at least once a week I am allowed to spend a day without the medication. I know the inconsistency isn’t the best but I am a better, happier, more social and creative person away from the medication. This day helps me rule out what are, and aren’t, side effects. The days I don’t take it, I don’t get shivers/twitching, I am in a great mood, and I eat frequently. This takes me back to one of my first points; the person who is diagnosed should be part of the decision. Because people are saying it’s the parent’s decision, I am told to take the medication despite the side effects. I lost 25 pounds because of it. Just this morning I was forced to take it again. I know our ADHD and ADD make us impulsive sometimes, but that never means we can’t be trusted because of it. ADHD and ADD affect the way we think and how we do things, not our ability to look out for ourselves and other people. To finalize this “essay” of a comment (whoops), if anyone is going to take medication, they HAVE to be included at all costs, and their opinions on taking it asked at every check-in by parents and doctors.

By: smoakcheri Thu, 07 Nov 2019 22:33:45 +0000 I see some contradiction regarding the difference in generic formulation. According to the FDA the variation mentioned above is a myth and untrue.

By: Donald Braman Wed, 11 Sep 2019 19:55:09 +0000 This article would be improved if it provided information about: (1) the relative efficacy and side effects of various medications; and (2) added a section discussing the decision about whether or not to medicate. Although the research on this is typically low quality, recent meta-analytic reviews can give some guidance.
