Comments on: Why Sugar is Kryptonite: ADHD Diet Truths ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Tue, 03 Dec 2024 20:52:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Isabel WW Wed, 04 Mar 2020 15:26:48 +0000 I actually joined just to comment on the comment from My mother is constantly referring to the link he refers to as proof that kids are not affected by sugar, and that it is a placebo effect. So of course she gives him treats whenever she likes.

Even if you ignore what millions of parents around the world have noticed about the effect of sugar on children, there is still a perhaps little known method of determining whether a mother has pregnancy related diabetes. I do not have diabetes, and am naturally slender. When I was pregnant with my son, I was given a glucose screening They basically give women a cup of glucose. My baby went completely nuts. He was turning and kicking basically doing in the womb what children at birthday parties all around the world do once the candies have been doled out. I felt truly sorry for him. It must have been very uncomfortable. After about an hour he started to calm down. In effect, they give watered sugar to mothers so that their unborn babies will be ACTIVATED.

I myself have ADD, and had ADHD as a child. Sugar makes me tired immediately. I cannot concentrate when I eat it. But if I can’t sleep, I just grab something sweet and dream well. My son is not hyper, unless he eats sugar, or, worse, something with sugar and art food colouring. When we cut them out, we could finally resume taking him to the movies since he no longer uncontrollably rocked and kicked the seat in front of him.
September 23, 2018 at 12:09 pm
I have to agree with you 100%. From my understanding the whole sugar causes hyperactivity thing is a myth. Its been proven to be caused by the placebo affect. Even though mothers will swear it causes hyperactivity its a proven fallacy, this was even brought up in the TV show QI with Stephen fry. In fact new advice for those with ADHD is to sip on a sugary drink, because it is vital that regions of the brain involved in controlling concentration chiefly the prefrontal cortex must bee supplied with enough energy. Perhaps the author of the article meant avoid large quantities of sugar to avoid the crash after large amounts of insulin are released? I generally try to eat healthy and sip on Powerade or some juice during my classes.
There is a video on YouTube from a prestigious ADHD researcher that explains this Russell Barkley, time index 7:45

By: muthuethix Wed, 19 Feb 2020 09:54:34 +0000 Multivitamin Syrup – BioTone vitamins minerals Syrup is an amino acid and multivitamin preparation recommended as a dietary supplement for overall Health

By: MukulSinghal1997 Wed, 20 Nov 2019 06:08:26 +0000 Who can go for an ADHD Diet?

By: shaiya Fri, 09 Nov 2018 19:31:13 +0000 Russell Barkley the leading expert on ADHD, disagrees with your claim on sugar. There is no evidence that sugar increases hyperactivity

By: Sun, 23 Sep 2018 16:18:00 +0000 In reply to

Sorry but that is completely wrong. Glucose is the primary source of fuel for all the cells in our body especially the brain. Our cells do not try to discharge it as quickly as possible. In fact the reason we have evolved to enjoy the taste is because it is so vitaly important. Excess sugar is stored in the liver and muscles, too can of course lead do weight gain if the liver is full, but to demonize it when in fact low blood sugar can worsen ADHD symptoms is wrong.

This video explains it quite well in relation to adhd(you can skip to time index 7:45)

By: Sun, 23 Sep 2018 16:09:57 +0000 In reply to befree.

I have to agree with you 100%. From my understanding the whole sugar causes hyperactivity thing is a myth. Its been proven to be caused by the placebo affect. Even though mothers will swear it causes hyperactivity its a proven fallacy, this was even brought up in the TV show QI with Stephen fry. In fact new advice for those with ADHD is to sip on a sugary drink, because it is vital that regions of the brain involved in controlling concentration chiefly the prefrontal cortex must bee supplied with enough energy. Perhaps the author of the article meant avoid large quantities of sugar to avoid the crash after large amounts of insulin are released? I generally try to eat healthy and sip on Powerade or some juice during my classes.
There is a video on YouTube from a prestigious ADHD researcher that explains this Russell Barkley, time index 7:45

By: ADHDmomma Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:38:04 +0000 In reply to HarleySpicedLatte.

IAS is linked in the article, and the direct link to this product from IAS is here:

ADDitude Community Moderator, Author & Trainer on Parenting ADHD, Mom to teen w/ ADHD, LDs, and autism

By: HarleySpicedLatte Wed, 11 Apr 2018 17:10:39 +0000 In reply to ADHDmomma.

Thanks for responding. I understand that but I also couldn’t find it anywhere I got really confused and overwhelmed. Do you happen to have any direct links Maybe? I really want to give this a try and all I could find was overseas

By: donsense Wed, 11 Apr 2018 16:50:42 +0000 In reply to befree.

Interestingly enough although not diagnosed as ADHD until a few years ago 30 years ago I was tested for Hypoglycemia a test that involved drinking a sugar saturated drink and then testing your blood for how your body absorbed and then ridded itself of it. Also recorded how mood was changing. And how room temp felt. I was classic with the inevitable crash as my body expelled allmost all of the sugar in the 20 minutes between blood tests and also went through all the classic symptoms.
Went on a sugar free diet and after a few weeks my energy levels increased remarkably. I described it then as after having run a marathon in a chest high pool of water compared to running on dry land.

By: ADHDmomma Wed, 11 Apr 2018 11:57:32 +0000 In reply to HarleySpicedLatte.

The FDA article you linked appears to say that Picamilion can’t be labeled as a “dietary ingredient” because it doesn’t meet their definition of such. It also says it’s not a prescription drug in the US, but is in Russia. I don’t see that they said this item is unsafe or “banned,” but simply mislabeled.

ADDitude Community Moderator, Author & Trainer on Parenting ADHD, Mom to teen w/ ADHD, LDs, and autism

By: HarleySpicedLatte Tue, 10 Apr 2018 22:02:24 +0000 Picamilon was banned by the FDA in 2015

I’m quite confused can you please explain why it’s being suggested under these circumstances?


By: donsense Wed, 07 Mar 2018 21:55:49 +0000 Now i know why Cod liver Oil was part of my Breakfast everyday 60to 70 years ago liquid and then the pills . With 11 older siblings and a mother who used diet to live to 97 she must of learned a thing or two long before I came along. Of course I was not the only ADHD member of the family. It went well with the quaker oat porridge, and milk, OJ, whole wheat toast and coffee with lots of milk. Milk itself made me throw up so i was treated to all kinds of combinations and alternates in my diet. The coffee worked well for concentration, and was part of breakfast from the age of 3 or 4.. unfortunately i learned to use coffee as my goto beveredge of the day until I retired. , 8 to 15 cups a day. Finally off cafenateted coffee at age 70 i was diagnosed.

By: azulmac Mon, 04 Dec 2017 11:56:56 +0000 In reply to befree.

I found this article helpful, and like anything I read, I took it as advice only. I have to say that after reading the article in full I found the title a bit hyperbolic, as only 2 paragraphs were actually about sugar. However, the article itself was had some great information as I build a greater foundation of knowledge about ADHD. I’m a newbie, and it’s nice to have a community that understands.

By: befree Wed, 07 Jun 2017 07:44:49 +0000 In reply to

Sure, sugar gets processed quickly, because the body needs it. What does it turn into? Energy, true, which the body also needs to keep up the daily tasks like keeping warm and digesting food, but also freeing dopamine and endorphins. So think twice before you call it generally bad.

Listen, I have to keep sugar down at a low level because of my weight. And I do restrict it greatly. But to ban it altogether and call it “kryptonite” is something that is very harsh. Kind of “black and white”, don’t you think? “All sugar is evil”

By: Mon, 05 Jun 2017 13:51:30 +0000 This study appears to only have focused on children. Is it fair to assume adults should be taking the same approach or are their other minerals that should be considered? My other question is how long does the sugar stay in your system?

I was once told by a Dr. that the only organ in your body that likes sugar is your tongue. All other organs and bodily processes attempt to discharge or process it as soon as possible. Clearly, it’s just not good for anyone.

