Must-Read ADHD Articles for Professionals: Best of ADDitude in 2022
Positive reinforcement trumps punishment. Menopause aggravates symptoms. Medication adherence wanes in adulthood. Get these and more ADHD insights for and by ADDitude experts in these professional articles written in 2022.

Menopause, Hormones & ADHD: What We Know, What Research is Needed
“Given what we know about challenges associated with ADHD, and the impact of estrogen loss on executive functioning in non-ADHD women, we can safely assume that women with ADHD are more vulnerable to challenges during menopause.” — Jeanette Wasserstein, Ph.D.
Menopause and ADHD – both associated with impaired cognitive functioning and emotional dysregulation – share a unique and complicated relationship. In this article, Dr. Wasserstein explains what we know about estrogen, hormonal fluctuations, and menopause in neurotypical women — and how this knowledge may help inform clinical approaches for women with ADHD.
Menopause and ADHD: Next Steps

What Is Inattentive ADHD? Symptoms, Characteristics, Diagnostic Considerations
“In individuals with inattentive type ADHD, executive dysfunction is easily blamed on carelessness or laziness, and their social struggles may be attributed to growing pains or character idiosyncrasies. All of this contributes to a chronic problem of underdiagnosis and inadequate treatment.” —Mary V. Solanto, Ph.D.
The symptoms of inattentive ADHD — disorganization, poor time management, faulty working memory, and a lack of focus — are all signs commonly dismissed or misdiagnosed, particularly in girls and women. Here, Dr. Solanto dives into the distinctive characteristics of inattentive ADHD (formerly called ADD), in order to provide clinicians with guidance for diagnostic and treatment practices.
Inattentive ADHD: Next Steps

Carrots vs. Sticks: The Science of Reward and Punishment for Children with ADHD
“Prolific research on how changes at the brain’s cellular level explain individuals’ responses to rewards may offer compelling clues to the neurobiology of ADHD, and may suggest effective approaches to behavior modification for children with ADHD.” —Gail Tripp, Ph.D.
Science suggests that children with ADHD differ from neurotypical peers in their responses to both positive reinforcement and punishment. Here, Dr. Tripp explores the insights we can glean from neurological research and investigates the practical implications for parenting and teaching strategies.
Positive Reinforcement and ADHD: Next Steps

4 Reasons Adults Give Up on ADHD Medication
“Medication nonadherence often happens when patients misunderstand the nature of ADHD itself and how medications help, and/or when clinicians make incorrect dosing decisions and harbor negative attitudes around medication.” — William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA
ADHD medications are some of the most effective treatments across medicine. Still, ADHD medication nonadherence is a widespread problem among adults. Here, understand four major barriers that lead to treatment inconsistency or abandonment, as well as targeted solutions.
ADHD Medication Nonadherence: Next Steps

Driving with ADHD: Pumping the Brakes on Vehicle Safety Risks
“When ADHD inattention, impulsivity, and distractibility get behind the wheel, serious risk of accidents and injury skyrocket. Within the first month of driving, teens with ADHD are 62% more likely than their non-ADHD peers to be involved in an automobile crash.” — Joseph Biederman, M.D.
ADHD is a significant risk factor for motor vehicle accidents and traffic infractions, especially among adolescent and young adult drivers. Dr. Biederman illuminates the connection between ADHD and dangerous driving and offers practical strategies to keep drivers safe behind the wheel.
ADHD and Driving: Next Steps

ADHD in Women and Girls: Why Female Symptoms Slip Through Diagnostic Cracks
“Empirical evidence on female manifestations of ADHD – including findings on self-harm, peer relationships, trauma, and more – reveal crucial aspects of the condition that are as devastating as they are under-appreciated.” — Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., Ellen Littman, Ph.D., Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ph.D.
Historically, research and clinical practices have been built around male presentations of ADHD. As a result, many girls and women still battle to receive proper referral, diagnosis, and treatment – and, because of this, face dire consequences. In this article, a trio of experts explain why it’s critical for us to rethink the way ADHD is assessed, diagnosed, and treated.
ADHD in Women and Girls: Next Steps

Migraines and ADHD: The Overlooked Connection to Headaches
“Headaches cause undue pain and stress in patients as they attempt to manage existing ADHD symptoms and challenges. Still, the medical community largely overlooks or dismisses the association, to the disservice of patients.” —Sarah Cheyette, M.D.
Despite the fact that migraines and ADHD are commonly comorbid, few clinicians consider the connection between the two when evaluating and treating patients. Here, Dr. Cheyette explores this link and its implications for treatment, shedding light on the potential for improved patient outcomes when the interplay between ADHD and migraines is taken into account.
Migraines and ADHD: Next Steps
- Read: What Is Complex ADHD?
- Free Download: Secrets of the ADHD Brain
- Read: The 5 Most Common ADHD Medication Side Effects — and Their Fixes

The Clinicians’ Guide to Serving and Protecting LGBTQIA+ Youth
“According to a 2022 survey by the Trevor Project, 45% of LGBTQIA+ adolescents and young adults say they have seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year. To end this devastating trend and save lives, LGBTQIA+ youth need many things — primary among them is support.” — Elena Man, M.D., Amy Dryer, M.D., Rachel Sayer, LCPC, PCIT-C
Studies show that LGBTQIA+ youth face an elevated risk for experiencing serious mental health issues; depression and anxiety impact more than half of all LGBTQIA+ youth. Research also makes it clear that these risks dramatically decrease when youth receive affirming health care. In this article, experts come together to explain how clinicians can cultivate the physical and psychological well-being of these patients with inclusive care.
Caring for LGBTQIA+ Youth: Next Steps

How Collaborative Care Models Deliver Quality ADHD Care – Seamlessly
“Collaborative care is a type of integrated care model meant to treat persistent, broadly impactful conditions that require systematic follow-up, like ADHD. Integrated care eliminates common barriers to health-care, and evidence also links collaborative care approaches to increased engagement and adherence to ADHD treatment plans."— Sheryl Morelli, M.D., Leslie F. Graham, MSW, Douglas Russell, M.D.
When primary care providers, case managers, and psychiatrists work as a team to care for and monitor patients, barriers to ADHD treatment are removed, and patients are able to benefit from a higher quality of care. The value of adopting a model of collaborative care is explained in this article by three leading experts, who go on to elucidate how clinicians can implement it in practice.
Collaborative Care for ADHD: Next Steps
The best articles of 2022 written by and for professionals — ADHD clinicians, coaches, educators, and more — hand-picked by the ADDitude editors.