Symptom Tests

Dyslexia Test: Free Screener for Adults

Take this free dyslexia test to see if your lifelong reading and spelling challenges match the symptoms of this common learning disability.

Dyslexia Test for Adults

“Am I dyslexic?” Many undiagnosed adults find themselves asking this question, especially after a lifetime of otherwise unexplained reading challenges — and subsequent academic, professional, and/or personal problems.

Though commonly considered a childhood disorder, dyslexia can be diagnosed at any age by a knowledgeable psychologist, diagnostic specialist or learning disability specialist. The first step? Take the free dyslexia test below, and show the results of this 13-question screener to your doctor to see if your symptoms align with those of dyslexia.

Your doctor can give you a referral for further dyslexia testing by specialists use a variety of reading assessments and instruments, including the Lindamood Test (for sound and phonetics), the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Battery, and the Grey Oral Reading Test among others to detect dyslexia.

[Dyslexia Test for Children: Find the Pediatric Screener Here]

Why Test for Dyslexia in Adulthood?

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading abilities. It is one of the most common learning disabilities, and often co-occurs with other conditions like attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD).

Adults with both conditions, especially if undiagnosed, may face adverse effects ranging from poor academic and work performance to low self-esteem. Once diagnosed, adults with dyslexia can benefit from accommodations in school, the workplace, and at home that can help them compensate for challenges and perform to the best of their abilities.

Created from criteria developed by the Davis Dyslexia Association International. This self-test is designed to determine whether you show symptoms similar to those of dyslexia. This test is not intended to diagnose. Only a trained educational professional can make a diagnosis. 

Do you need to read a sentence or paragraph three or four times before you “get it”?

Do you avoid situations where you’ll have to read out loud?

Do you mix up letters or forget them entirely when writing?

Do you misspell common words — misspelling them a different way every time?

Do you find yourself reading slower than most people you know?

Do you avoid projects that involve a lot of reading?

Have you found yourself turning down promotions or opportunities for advancement in your career?

Do you struggle to pronounce long words out loud, even if you know them?

Are you accused of “not listening” because you can’t summarize or recall details of a recent conversation?

Do you lose your place when reading, even if the topic is interesting to you?

Do you get lost when following directions, or confuse your left for your right?

Do you confuse or forget the names of common household objects — calling a fork a spoon, for instance?

Do you have very particular requirements for your favorite fonts, paper color, or other visuals while at work?

Can’t see the self-test questions above? Click here to open this test in a new window.

Dyslexia Test for Adults: Next Steps

1. Learn Dyslexia Symptom Overview for Adults
2. Subscribe to ADDitude magazine
3. Understand The ADHD-Dyslexia Connection
4. Take This Test Dyscalculia Symptom Test for Adults
5. Take This Test: Autism Symptom Test for Adults
6. Buy “Signs & Symptoms of Learning Disabilities”
7. Find: Specialists or Clinics Near You