Stress & Anxiety
Everyday life with ADHD is stressful. Organization, memory, and executive-function challenges bring with them anxiety, not to mention shame and overwhelm. Here, learn how to improve your psychological health with attention deficit.
Popular in Stress & Anxiety
Typical ADHD Behaviors
Why ADD Makes You Feel. So. Much.
The volatile (and sometimes destructive) emotions associated with ADHD can manifest as frustration,...
Emotions & Shame
ADHD and the Epidemic of Shame
"For many people with ADHD, shame arises from the repeated failure to meet expectations from parents,...
Natural Approaches to Managing ADHD
All-Natural Ways to Improve Your Focus
ADHD medications can help manage symptoms like distractability. But many people augment their...
Sleep & Mornings
9 Sleep Deprivation Solutions for Adults with ADD
Sleep deprivation and ADHD often feed off one another. How? Racing brains, impulsivity, and poor time...
Emotions & Shame
Stop Punishing Yourself
When ADHD problems, challenges, and stress make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed with anxiety,...
Guest Blogs
Ping! Alert! Why That Barrage of News Updates is Bad for Your Mental Health
“Media outlets take advantage of this thing called negativity bias. The human brain cannot help but...
Vitamins & Minerals
10 Foods (and Supplements and Vitamins!) to Build Focus, Energy & Mood
Medication improves ADHD symptoms in most people, however some individuals seek out natural...
What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Learn the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders like GAD, SAD, OCD, and panic disorder, as well as...
Untangle Your Web Of “What Ifs”
Worrying happens sometimes. But when it begins to consume your thoughts, it's time to take action....
Emotions & Shame
Melancholy and My Infinite ADHD Sadness
“Everyone has regrets. Everyone gets sad. Everyone ruminates. But when you have ADHD, emotions set in...
Treatment for the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
How to alleviate the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder with medication, therapy, diet, and...
Natural Approaches to Managing ADHD
Horse Power: Equine Therapy for ADHD
Connecting with a horse builds relationship skills in people with ADHD — and helps patients feel...
Typical ADHD Behaviors
Why We Feel So Much — and Ways to Overcome It
Research shows that people with ADHD have out-sized challenges with frustration, impatience, anger,...
“Emotional Distress Syndrome and the ADHD Brain” [Video Replay & Podcast #169]
Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#169), and download the slide presentation...
Fact: Clutter Causes Stress. Solution: These 11 Daily Rituals.
When you're feeling stressed or angry or exhausted, tackling housework is not your first instinct....