Top 25 Webinars & Podcast Episodes in ADDitude’s History
In celebration of ADDitude’s first 25 years, the editorial team has selected its top 25 favorite webinars. That’s 25 hours of expert advice to guide your life with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and beyond. ADDitude webinars can also be streamed as podcasts.

Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation: The Overlooked ADHD Symptom That Impacts Everything
You won’t find DESR in the DSM-V, but in this webinar Russell Barkley, Ph.D., makes a compelling argument for why it should be included in the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Patients and professionals agree that difficulty with emotional control is a core facet of ADHD. Using historical concepts and research in the fields of neuroanatomy, neuropsychology, and psychology, Barkley highlights the relationship between ADHD and emotional control difficulties. He discusses the various causes and effects of deficient emotional self-regulation, including how to tell if emotionality stems from ADHD or a mood disorder.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on August 26, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation: The Overlooked ADHD Symptom That Impacts Everything"
Read Dr. Russell Barkley’s complementary article, "DESR: Why Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation is Central to ADHD"
Find this episode and all of the others highlighted below in the ADHD Experts podcast from ADDitude:
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Why Is Time So Slippery? Understanding Time Blindness in People with ADHD
You know you should wake up earlier. Plan better. Try harder. Time management is a crucial life skill; people with ADHD understand this. But knowing is not doing, and time is an elusive concept when you’re stuck in the present moment. Understanding the relationship between ADHD and time can help adults with ADHD manage it more effectively; being nagged and shamed likely won’t. Ari Tuckman, Psy.D., uses temporal discounting, time blindness, and short time horizons in this webinar to help explain time as it is seen and felt by adults with ADHD.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on October 4, 2022.
Replay the webinar, "Why Is Time So Slippery? Understanding Time Blindness in People with ADHD"
Read Dr. Ari Tuckman's complementary article, "How ADHD Warps Time Perception: Strategies to Stop Wasting and Start Managing Time"

Maximize Learning in the Classroom: What Teachers Should Know About Their Students with ADHD
Children with ADHD are not lazy or uncooperative; they are misunderstood. Picking up on social cues, controlling emotions, and following directions are just a few of the ways students with ADHD might struggle in the classroom. Targeted support is critical and starts with an understanding of what makes a child with ADHD tick. This ADDitude webinar with the late Chris A. Zeigler Dendy, M.S., provides educators with basic education and simple accommodations to improve classroom learning, including memorization techniques, crisis management, and social skills.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on September 18, 2019.
Replay the webinar, "Maximize Learning in the Classroom: What Teachers Should Know About Their Students with ADHD"
Get Chris Dendy's complementary download, "What Every Teacher Should Know About ADHD"

Why ADHD Is Different for Women: Gender-Specific Symptoms & Treatments
The struggles of women with ADHD have been dismissed or ignored by too many for too long. Once considered a male-dominant disorder, ADHD is just as common in women as it is in men. Yet, according to research, the long-term outcomes of ADHD differ dramatically across genders. Be it hormonal fluctuations, emotional dysregulation, internalizing symptoms, or societal expectations, women with ADHD face unique risks that impact their ADHD symptoms. This webinar with Ellen Littman, Ph.D., explores these risks as well as diagnostic challenges, treatment implications, social difficulties, comorbid issues, and supporting research.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on December 15, 2020.
Replay the webinar, "Why ADHD Is Different for Women: Gender-Specific Symptoms & Treatments"
Read the Dr. Ellen Littman's complementary article, "Why ADHD in Women is Routinely Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Treated Inadequately"

All the Feels: An ADHD Guide to Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
People with ADHD feel things deeply and intensely. Why? One explanation is rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD). For people with RSD, rejection — whether real or imagined — causes severe emotional pain and discomfort; the fear of it often keeps individuals from initiating relationships and developing a true sense of self. Here, William Dodson, M.D., explains how RSD can undermine relationships and self-esteem, and how it is fundamentally tied to ADHD. Dodson points listeners to effective treatment strategies like CBT that can help ease emotional sensitivity.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on May 23, 2019.
Replay the webinar, "All the Feels: An ADHD Guide to Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria"
Read Dr. William Dodson's complementary article," How ADHD Ignites Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria"

Cultural Considerations When Diagnosing and Treating ADHD in African American Children
Cultural humility is a meaningful starting point for clinicians in American medicine. It reflects two-way learning between the provider, who educates about the disorder, and the caregivers, who can communicate about their child’s unique challenges and experiences. Too often, clinical training on cultural competency places the focus on race — when it should rest on distinct cultural and individual differences. Sarah Vinson, M.D., identifies cultural considerations for clinicians to adopt when diagnosing and treating ADHD in African American children and their families, including racism, structural bias, trauma, and individual discrimination.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on July 20, 2020.
Replay the webinar, "Cultural Considerations When Diagnosing and Treating ADHD in African-American Children"
Read Dr. Sarah Vinson's complementary article, "Evaluating and Treating ADHD in African American Children: Guidance for Clinicians"

Six Super Skills to Build Executive Functioning in Adults with ADHD
Becoming leaders in the world starts with learning to lead ourselves, says Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. Leading ourselves starts with executive function skills development. Executive functioning is the critical ability to plan, act, and stay focused; and it is often impaired by ADHD. Here, Honos-Webb talks about the emerging science of attention management and identifies the six super skills that help us complete tasks and avoid distractions to reach our goals.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on June 15, 2021.
Replay the webinar, “Six Super Skills to Build Executive Functioning in Adults with ADHD”
Read Dr. Lara Honos-Webb's complementary article, "6 Secrets to Goal Setting with ADHD"

6 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD
“Raising happy, healthy children with ADHD comes down to these core actions: accepting your child for who they are, setting them up to succeed with their unique abilities in mind, and understanding that mistakes – on your part and your child’s – are inevitable.” Listen to this webinar presented by Russell Barkley, Ph.D., on the rewards and challenges of bringing up a confident and well-balanced child with ADHD.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on February 25, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "6 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD"
Read Dr. Russell Barkley's complementary article, "3 Clarifying Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD"

Top 10 IEP & 504 Plan Problems: A Troubleshooting Guide
Ensuring your child with ADHD receives the best education requires a firm understanding of their legal rights at school. Learn all about the disability services and accommodations to which your student is entitled and how to maneuver your way through the 504 Plan and IEP processes with Susan Yellin, Esq.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on March 8, 2022.
Replay the webinar, “Top 10 IEP & 504 Plan Problems: A Troubleshooting Guide”
Read Susan and Paul Yellin's complementary article, "3 Trademarks of an Effective IEP Goal"

How ADHD Adults Can Turn Intentions into Actions
ADHD is increasingly referred to as an “intention-deficit disorder” for good reason; people with the disorder have a hard time acting on their resolve. Distractions and interruptions tend to get in the way of completing the job at hand. Out of the archives comes this webinar with J. Russell Ramsay, Ph.D., which features timeless, ADHD-proof strategies for moving toward your goals. Ramsay explains why ADHD adults — who almost always know what needs to be done — struggle to carry tasks to completion.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on March 12, 2015.
Replay the webinar, "How ADHD Adults Can Turn Intentions into Actions"
Read Dr. J. Russell Ramsay's complementary article, "Why the ADHD Brain Chooses the Less Important Task — and How CBT Improves Prioritization Skills"

Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You
Perfectionism is the unhealthy insistence on personal flawlessness that increases anxiety and holds you back from the natural daily process of learning. People with ADHD are prone to perfectionistic tendencies, in part due to executive function weaknesses. Here, Sharon Saline, Psy.D., explains how to set realistic standards for yourself to end the cycle of shame, low self-esteem, and negative self-talk that so often follows perfectionism and ADHD.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on January 19, 2022.
Replay the webinar, "Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You"
Read Dr. Sharon Saline's complementary article, "When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough"

Do I Have Autism? ADHD? Both? An Adult’s Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
There is no gold standard or single test for teasing apart autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. The conditions coexist at significantly elevated rates — between 20% and 37% of the time. Though distinct conditions, ADHD and autism share similar symptom presentations that can make a differential diagnosis more challenging for clinicians. Additionally, most research on comorbid ADHD and autism is limited to children. Here, Benjamin Yerys, Ph.D., discusses best practices for making a diagnosis, currently available treatments, and the long-term outcomes for adults with ADHD and autism.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on May 11, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Do I Have Autism? ADHD? Both? An Adult’s Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment"
Read Dr. Benjamin Yerys's complementary article, "ADHD and Adult Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Interventions for Both"

ADHD & Executive Functions: Tips, Tools & Solutions for Academic Success
As they make their way through grade school, students are slowly but surely developing confidence — and the executive function skills they need to manage more complicated academic and social demands. Along the way, they may reject the help offered by parents and teachers or hesitate to ask for it. With ADHD, kids often struggle to put effort into activities that they find mundane or challenging. In this classic webinar with Ann Dolin, M.Ed., caregivers will acquire strategies to effectively help their child with ADHD stay organized, conquer distractions, and beat procrastination. Listeners will also learn the difference between evaluating students’ abilities versus performance.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on February 6, 2014.
Replay the webinar, "ADHD & Executive Functions: Tips, Tools & Solutions for Academic Success"
Read Ann Dolin's complementary article, "10 Secrets to Studying Smarter with ADHD

ADHD Anger, Tantrums, and Mood Shifts: Effective Treatments for Emotional Dysregulation
Emotional dysregulation leads to an outsized risk of future difficulties for adults and children with ADHD. Anger, irritability, and tantrums are chief complaints, but it’s difficult for providers to tease out whether emotionality is caused by ADHD or other mood disorders. Here, Joel Nigg, Ph.D., uses the latest research on emotional profiles, brain scans, genetic liability, and more to explain the link between ADHD and anger. He goes on to discuss the most effective treatments to manage emotional dysregulation.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on November 24, 2020.
Replay the webinar, "ADHD Anger, Tantrums, and Mood Shifts: Effective Treatments for Emotional Dysregulation"
Read Dr. Joel Nigg's complementary article, "How’s Your Emotional Resilience? Learning to Cope with Intense ADHD Feelings"

What Is Your Child’s Sensory Profile? Strategies for Supporting Children with ADHD and SPD
Sensory processing disorder affects how the brain responds to information from the senses — all eight of them. Children with SPD may be sensitive to, and overwhelmed by, certain sounds, textures, smells, foods, environments, and the like. They may also be under-responsive to these inputs. No matter how SPD manifests, parents need a strong understanding of their child’s unique sensory needs, as well as the tools to support those needs. Learn how to determine your child’s sensory profile and receive practical strategies to support your child’s self-regulation skills from pediatric occupational therapist Candace Peterson, M.S., OTRL, a specialist in sensory processing and implications for ADHD and SPD.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on March 30, 2022.
Replay the webinar, "What Is Your Child’s Sensory Profile? Strategies for Supporting Children with ADHD and SPD"
Read Candace Peterson's complementary article, "What Is Your Child’s Sensory Profile? (And Why It’s Critical to Know)"

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: How Women with ADHD Can Break the Cycle of Delayed Sleep and Stress
Work. Parenting. Adulting. Your reason for sacrificing sleep makes sense on the surface. Everyone deserves a little extra “me time,” especially when daily stressors leave no time for activities you enjoy. However, losing out on sleep leads to exhaustion, which weakens executive functions and worsens ADHD symptoms. Learn why women are especially prone to this “revenge” method of sleep deprivation and how to create fundamental, lasting changes to your bedtime routine in this webinar with Christine Li, Ph.D., and Tracy Otsuka, JD, LLM, AACC.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on December 8, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: How Women with ADHD Can Break the Cycle of Delayed Sleep and Stress"
Read Tracy Otsuka's complementary article, "How to Break the Exhausting Habit of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination"

Understanding Dyscalculia: How to Recognize & Address Math Learning Disabilities
Like dyslexia, dyscalculia impacts roughly 7% of students in the U.S. Why, then, is dyslexia discussed and included in scientific journals at 14 times the rate of dyscalculia? More recognition is deserved for this life-long math learning disability, which impacts the ability to understand basic numerical concepts. Children with the condition may struggle to understand quantities, memorize counting-based strategies, or solve arithmetic math problems (e.g., addition and subtraction). In this webinar, learn the basics of dyscalculia and how it overlaps with other learning disabilities from Daniel Ansari, Ph.D.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on July 18, 2018.
Replay the ADDitude webinar, "Understanding Dyscalculia: How to Recognize & Address Math Learning Disabilities"
Read Dr. Daniel Ansari's complementary article, "Developmental Dyscalculia: A New Understanding of Early Warning Signs"

The Exercise Rx for ADHD: How Movement Improves Attention, Working Memory, and Executive Functions
Improve self-esteem, reduce addictive behaviors, boost learning, and elevate focus with the power of movement. Exercise is a trusted method for managing ADHD symptoms, often in combination with other treatment options such as CBT or medication. Among the many benefits, exercise increases dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which are chemicals that help to regulate attention. John Ratey, M.D., joins us to discuss the latest research on ADHD and physical activity.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on February 28, 2019.
Replay the webinar, "The Exercise Rx for ADHD: How Movement Improves Attention, Working Memory, and Executive Functions"
Read Dr. John Ratey's complementary article, "Build Your Muscles, Build Your Brain"

Discipline Strategies for ADHD: How to Manage Your Child’s Most Challenging Behaviors
The right approach to discipline is never the easiest. Parents often (mistakenly) rely on punishments, shouting, or timeouts to resolve their child’s defiant behavior. Problematic behaviors like outbursts and meltdowns are better managed with the use of rewards and positive interactions. Learn about productive, practical ways to tackle defiance and opposition from your child or teen with ADHD in this webinar with Dave Anderson, Ph.D., from the Child Mind Institute.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on March 21, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Discipline Strategies for ADHD: How to Manage Your Child’s Most Challenging Behaviors"
Read Dr. Dave Anderson's complementary article, "How to Manage Your Child’s Toughest Behavioral Problems"

Inattentive ADHD: Why ADD is Misdiagnosed and the Best Ways to Treat It
People with inattentive ADHD are described as being forgetful, distracted, and disengaged. The truth? They have no problem paying attention — if they are engaged in activities that interest them, like video games or playing a sport. It’s the important non-preferred tasks, such as schoolwork or work, that they have difficulty focusing on. Learn more from Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D., and Ryan J. Kennedy, DNP, in this webinar about this underdiagnosed and undertreated subtype.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on July 8, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Inattentive ADHD: Why ADD is Misdiagnosed and the Best Ways to Treat It"
Read Dr. Sharon Saline's complementary article, "5 Overlooked Signs of ADHD – the Inattentive Type

7 Insights Into the ADHD Brain That Transform Lives
If you’re drowning in a sea of tactics to manage your ADHD symptoms, you may be looking for help in all the wrong places. Understanding how the ADHD brain works can make us better problem solvers. Find solutions to your toughest problems with several life-changing insights and “aha” moments presented by Jeff Copper, PCAC, PCC, MBA, who focuses on self-awareness, self-observation, and a renewed mindset — no more strategies and tips.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on February 22, 2022.
Replay the webinar, "7 Insights Into the ADHD Brain That Transform Lives"
Read Jeff Copper's complementary article, "8 Illuminating Insights Into ADHD: Making Sense of Your Brain"

Complex ADHD: The New Approach to Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating Comorbidities in Concert
ADHD rarely travels alone. In fact, 80% of adults with ADHD and 60% of children with ADHD have at least one associated comorbid condition. It’s a phenomenon recently termed “complex ADHD” and it reflects an evolution in our understanding of the condition. Complex ADHD may refer to the presence of co-existing conditions like tics, anxiety, or ODD; it also conveys the diversity of factors that influence symptom presentation. Gain a better understanding of ADHD’s comorbid conditions, and the tools available to diagnose and treat them, with Theresa Cerulli, M.D.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on June 23, 2021.
Replay the webinar, "Complex ADHD: The New Approach to Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating Comorbidities in Concert"
Read Dr. Theresa Cerulli's complementary article, "What Is Complex ADHD? Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment"

Screen Time for the ADHD Brain: Technology Rules and Systems for Easily Distracted Teens
Screens can act as super tools or super distractions. If they are used efficiently, they can help us stay organized and access critical information. For example, phones and tablets include tools like reminder, to-do lists, and calendars. Used the wrong way, electronics can bulldoze attention and limit productivity. Teens, who are still developing critical thinking skills, will naturally struggle to limit their use of devices like phones, tablets, or gaming consoles. ADHD slows the development of self-regulation skills, making screen time an even greater concern. How can parents guide their easily distracted teens? Wes Crenshaw, Ph.D., suggests an ethics manual, scheduled time-outs, and other effective strategies for caregivers to utilize with their ADHD teen. He also discusses the risks of excessive screen time and why establishing boundaries is essential.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on March 27, 2018.
Replay the webinar, "Screen Time for the ADHD Brain: Technology Rules and Systems for Easily Distracted Teens"
Read Dr. Wes Crenshaw's complementary article, "Brilliant Idea Alert! An “Ethics Manual” for Your Teen’s Electronics"

The ADHD-Anxiety Link: How Mindfulness Helps You Feel Less Overwhelmed and Be More Productive
Mindfulness practices have exploded in popularity in recent years. By focusing on the present moment, mindfulness disengages the automatic pilot mode that our minds tend to operate out of. Meditation, breathing exercises, and self-coaching are a few of the techniques that Lidia Zylowska, M.D., explains in her webinar on reducing anxiety and overwhelm with mindfulness practice. She talks about the different ways that anxiety and ADHD symptoms co-exist and how to shift our attention away from negative emotions and beliefs.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on December 10, 2019.
Replay the webinar, “The ADHD-Anxiety Link: How Mindfulness Helps You Feel Less Overwhelmed and Be More Productive”
Read Dr. Lidia Zylowska’s complementary article, “Meditation for the Bored & Restless: How to Practice Mindfulness with ADHD”

How Diet, Sleep, Exercise & Behavioral Interventions Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children
Every child with ADHD is different. They have unique biochemistries and physiologies; interventions that work for one may not work for the other. It’s important to look at the whole child in developing and fine-tuning an ADHD treatment plan. Sandy Newmark, M.D., explains how sleep, diet, and food can act as natural medicine for your child, regardless of whether you are administering medication. Newmark provides valuable insights into supplements, food sensitivities, and harmful chemicals that commonly concern caregivers.
This ADDitude webinar was originally broadcast on April 24, 2018.
Replay the webinar, "How Diet, Sleep, Exercise & Behavioral Interventions Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children"
Read Dr. Sandy Newmark's complementary article, "5 Big Natural Remedies for ADHD: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & More"