Symptom Tests for Children

[Self-Test] Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in Children

What is oppositional defiant disorder in children? ODD is more than occasional aggressive or irritating behavior. It’s a pattern of angry, uncooperative, and mean conduct that negatively impacts a child’s life at home and at school. Use this self-test to find out if your defiant child is showing signs of ODD — along with or instead of ADHD.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children: ODD Test

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral and conduct disorder that affects as many as 16 percent of children in the general population; that number is even higher for patients with ADHD.

ODD includes regular temper tantrums, excessive arguments with adults, and uncooperative, deliberately annoying actions. ODD can be an indicator of a mood, substance, or personality disorder and, if diagnosed, warrants further investigation.

The symptoms of ODD may look different in girls and boys, for whom the condition is more common. Boys with ODD tend to be more physically aggressive and have explosive anger while girls often lie, refuse to cooperate, and express symptoms in other indirect ways. ODD is usually diagnosed in childhood; some children outgrow the condition by age eight or nine. Early intervention and treatment for ODD are the best way to help correct oppositional behavior before it progresses into conduct disorder or a more serious mental health concern.

When you take this ODD self-test, think about your child’s behavior over the last six months or longer, behaviors that are excessive compared to what is usual for your child's age and that significantly impair the child's normal daily activities. You may want to take the results to a mental health professional for clinical evaluation and diagnosis of ODD.

This self-test for ODD was designed from symptom criteria in the American Psychiatric Association DSM 5, 2013. It is not a diagnostic tool but is designed to determine whether your child shows symptoms similar to those of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), symptoms that might warrant a clinical evaluation by a mental health professional. This screener is for personal use only.

Does your child say cruel, mean, or hateful things when upset?

Does your child test limits by ignoring rules or arguing?

Does your child try to justify their behavior as a response to unreasonable demands?

Are swear words a part of your child’s vocabulary?

Does your child get in trouble at school for throwing things in class?

Does your child throw huge temper tantrums when getting home from school, and do the consequences for acting out make your child more agitated?

Can simple reminders, like to put socks in the hamper and not on the floor, trigger aggression or meltdowns?

Does your child argue excessively with adults and other authority figures?

Does your child get in trouble for being physically aggressive (i.e. shoving or hitting) other children?

Does your child blame others for their mistakes or misbehavior?

Is your child touchy, prickly, or easily offended?

Do you find that consequences don't work, nor do they have any impact on behavior? That your child just doesn’t take rules seriously?

Is your child spiteful, vindictive, or revenge seeking?

Is your child unwilling or unable to compromise, give in, or negotiate with adults or peers?

Do you feel like your child is purposely trying to ignite your anger?

Does your child unleash outbursts of anger and resentment?

Does your child actively defy or refuse to comply with requests and rules at home or at school?

Does your child bait classmates and pick fights with them by purposely doing things that annoy them?

Can’t see the self-test questions above? Click here to open this test in a new window.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children: ODD Next Steps

1. Free Download: The 15-Day Fix to Stop Defiant Behavior in its Tracks
2. Take This Symptom Test: Does My Child Have ADHD?
3. Take This Symptom Test: Sensory Processing Disorder in Children
4. Subscribe to ADDitude magazine
5. Listen to “ODD and ADHD: Strategies for Parenting Defiant Children” – an Expert Webinar with Ross W. Greene, Ph.D.
6. Read More About the ADHD-ODD Link in Children
7. Read: ODD in Children: A Parent’s Behavior Management Guide
8. Find an ADHD or ODD specialist nearby in our ADDitude Directory


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