You Probably Have ADHD If…
… You lost your child’s homework. Or can’t find the phone you’re talking on. Or left your keys in the freezer. Read these funny (and frustrating…and embarrassing) anecdotes submitted by other adults with ADHD — and know you’re not alone.

But Wait, There's More!
We received such a great response when asking readers to complete the sentence "You Know You Have Adult ADHD When...", that we decided to create a Part 2! Read on to see if you can relate to these ADHDisms.

Homework Lost
"You lost the kids' homework after helping them with it. It's so embarrassing to have to admit that to their teachers..."

Cleaning, Interrupted
"You naively decide to clean the house. You start by vacuuming the living room, then stop in the middle to dust the kitchen, then you stop that to scrub the toilet.... By the end of the day you have a house filled with partially cleaned rooms!"
[Click to Download: 22 Clutter-Busting Strategies for Adults with ADHD]

"You have a list...of lists."

Phone Panic
"You are talking on the phone and start to panic because you can't find your phone."

Misplaced Dinner
"You accidentally put a roll of paper towels in the fridge and leftovers in the cabinet. You only realize your mistake when you go to dry your hands with last night's lasagna!"

DIY Disaster
"You have a lifetime's worth of unfinished projects lying around, making your home look like a DIY graveyard. Your bedroom is where abandoned Pinterest projects go to die."

3-Part Pat Down
You do not walk out the front door without doing the 3-part pat down.
- Touch face: Glasses? Check.
- Touch right coat pocket: Keys? Check.
- Touch left hip pocket: Phone? Check. Okay, now you may leave.

Coffee Caper
"Coworkers automatically assume a found coffee mug is yours. You have a bad reputation for losing your morning cup of coffee."

"You've run out of your ADHD medication and need to order more, but can't focus enough to renew your prescription. It's a vicious cycle."

Muddled Memory
"You go to take your ADHD medication, but get distracted. Then you stand there holding the bottle, trying to figure out whether or not you've already taken it."

Disappearing Snack
"You somehow lose your sandwich while in the middle of eating it."

Dinner Duty
"You forget about dinner until almost 5 p.m. Oh yeah, I should probably think about dinner. My family will probably want to eat something..."

Dish Diss
"You'd rather tile the kitchen, paint the house, or alphabetize your spice rack than do the dishes. Anything is better than doing the dishes, right?"

"You have post-it notes everywhere."

Repeat Offender
"You are in a therapy session discussing focus tactics, when you lose focus and have to ask your therapist to repeat herself. Twice."

Wait, What?
"You answer all your kids' questions with 'Uh huh.... Wait, what did you say?'"

Chronic Interrupter
"You have a bad habit of interrupting people. You don't do it to be rude, you just don't want to forget what you wanted to say. In fact, the person who you interrupt the most is yourself!"

Everything Makes Sense
"You finally understand everything that happened to you before you received your diagnosis."