ADHD Treatment Options
Many adults with ADHD treat symptoms of attention deficit with medication, plus natural therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, meditation, nutrition, supplements, exercise, and others.
Popular in ADHD Treatment Options
ADDitude for Professionals
A Critical Need Ignored: Inadequate Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD After Age 60
Preliminary research suggests that seniors with ADHD experience unique and evolving symptoms that are...
Adult ADHD
Adult ADHD: A Guide to Symptoms, Signs, and Treatments
Adult ADHD symptoms include difficulty with time management, memory, organization, emotional...
Choosing Professionals
Doctor? Psychologist? Therapist? Someone Else? How to Find the Best ADHD Treatment Professional
The treatment landscape for ADHD is shifting rapidly. No longer are we relying exclusively on primary...
ADHD Medications
ADHD Medications for Adults: Treatment Q&A for the Newly Diagnosed (and Nervous)
Is ADD medication safe? Does it work? What are the side effects? After an ADHD diagnosis, most...
ADHD Therapies
DBT Skills: The Go-To Treatment for ADD?
Dialectical behavior therapy teaches people to manage their ADHD symptoms using four basic DBT...
Exercise & Green Time
Exercise and the ADHD Brain: The Neuroscience of Movement
Research shows that physical activity sparks real, positive changes in the brain that increase...
Vitamins & Minerals
10 Foods (and Supplements and Vitamins!) to Build Focus, Energy & Mood
Medication improves ADHD symptoms in most people, however some individuals seek out natural...
ADHD Therapies
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Works
CBT is a unique therapy that targets the dysfunctional thoughts and feelings that are preventing you...
Meditation for ADHD
Mindfulness Meditation: ADHD Symptom Relief with Breath
Research suggests that mindful meditation for ADHD can train the brain to better concentrate and hold...
Free Downloads
Free Guide: What to Eat (and Avoid) for Improved ADHD Symptoms
Did you know that eating the wrong foods can actually shrink the decision-making parts of your brain?...
ADHD Medication & Treatment
ADHD Therapy Overview: The 9 Best Treatments for Children and Adults
Studies confirm that children with ADHD achieve the greatest symptom control with a combination of...
Choosing Treatment
Who’s Afraid of ADHD Meds?
Misdiagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder, a 30-something is cautious about taking medication...
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin Power! 8 Best Supplements for ADHD
ADHD nutrition expert Sandy Newmark, M.D., lets you in on the eight vitamins, minerals, and herbs...
ADDitude for Professionals
How Collaborative Care Models Deliver Quality ADHD Care – Seamlessly
Collaborative care models – wherein primary care providers, case managers, and psychiatrists work as...
Choosing Professionals
When I’m 64: Why ADHD Treatment Gets Tougher with Age
Many aging adults with ADHD must jump through hoops to receive the treatment they deserve. Are you o...